Pig/sallet/armet helmets (55 armor), plated gauntlets (15?), and plated boots (16 armor?) are good value. Halberd is my favorite (reach and piercing damage), two-handed mace is find (blunt damage), or you can actually get by with your starting shield and a slightly better sword (arming sword) if you’re ok with stabbing people in the head.įor armor, you want the best value. Make sure you have enough strength for any given weapon. With your starting money, you need enough armor and a weapon to win tournaments. Saathos and Serol if you can tolerate their rebelliousness also shouldn’t fight. Plan on putting Maron, Berenger, and Arratos into the non-combat group. That way, after the battle, more of your troops will be alive (surgery trait) and you’ll get health back. Create a new battle group called “Non-combat” or something, and at the beginning of every battle, tell him to retreat. Check the tavern before you leave the Weeping Town and grab Brynden Storm. Promptly ignore the quests unless you’re suicidal. Talk to the merchant, get a pile of quests, and wish him well. As a default, I suggest stabbing the head when you have a weak weapon and a better-armored enemy. Great! Now get mobbed by bandits while you have low armor. So now you have your backstory and a horse. The rest (a point or two) maybe athletics so you can run backwards without falling over as often. When investing starting stats, max out strength. Your starting strength should be ~11, riding should be 5, and you get a horse. That means you were the son of a noble, a noble in training, a squire, and you’re setting out for personal revenge (I think). The most important stat to me is STRENGTH. Once you create your bearded, scarred, big-nosed lump of brawn (or Bronn ), you need to create a backstory and stats. If you’re new to the game, then I will do my best to advise character creation to make the game (slightly) easier. If you have a character you like from a previous build of ACOK, go ahead and import. In this guide, I will teach you about many of the ways to make money in ACOK in order to be successful and dominate Westeros and Essos. I personally found ACOK to be EXTREMELY difficult in the early game, and that’s one every easy mode (1/4 damage, 1/2 damage to allies, poor AI combat, etc.). For me, going bankrupt ends in me reverting to a previous save. You need money to pay your troops, buy new ones, buy food, buy armor for your poor pathetic companions, and ultimately to buy Champion Plated Warhorses for your elite lvl 50 companions. In ACOK, I find the limiting factor in success is primarily income.